Message Count Bubble Not Refreshing [FIXED]

I have no unseen or responded to messages but the indicator continues to say there is 1.


Did you try to log out and then close the tab? Bugs like that, at least for me, are resolved by that.

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I have tried on multiple devices… Ipad, Phone, computer.


I will tag @eaglereptiles and @john to see if they can see something that I am missing.

But one last thing can you send a picture of what comes up when you click the “unseen” button?

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Thank you guys!

This is actually something we are aware of and working on fixing, these screenshot will help a lot!


Yes, there is a known bug with the count, which is being fixed.

There is a SECOND issue which is to have that number refresh without reloading the page, but the count itself can be wrong.



I am also currently getting this issue. I am using Microsoft Edge on Windows 10 Home.

Also tried on my phone app and shows up there.

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Hi everyone, this annoying bug should be fixed now. That is, when there is a green message count, you should see those messages bolded as “unseen” and/or you can use the Unseen filter to find them.

There is something we will do to improve this further, which is to make the green message count update in realtime, in the future. Right now a page reload may be required so it doesn’t immediately update when you open a message, but will after many actions.