Moldy eggs - what to do?

This is my second clutch of the year. My first clutch just hatched. No mold on any eggs over the 57 days. Second clutch was laid two weeks ago. Both were in the same incubator, it can only hold two boxes. Temp is 87-89f. On vermiculite. They look and smell awful. I can see embryos in all the eggs. I pulled the em out and put them in a new box. I also wiped them down with Pimafix. This is an antifungal for fish. Thought I would give it a try. Any words of advice?

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The top right is the only one that has a shot and it’s a long one. Those look dead or infertile. Usually when this happens to me, the incubator has spiked, or the probe has failed, or they were infertile/had weak veins and didn’t thrive.

Can you post a picture while candling them? How bad is the smell?


I can post some pics candling them tomorrow evening. Smell is pretty bad


Separate that one on the top right. Might save it. Check your probe with a couple different temp guns if you can.

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Considering the active ingredient in Pimafix is Bay Oil, I wouldn’t be putting that on eggs, especially since the product is only meant for use as a dilution. If you have mold and need to treat, I’d consider a topical antifungal powder or covering the eggs with a thin layer of damp sphagnum. That said, if your eggs stink, they’re likely not viable. Good eggs that are moldy will only smell a bit like mold. If you have a pungent or rotting smell, those embryos have likely perished.

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I separate any moldy eggs. Then there is no risk to the others even with treatment and it has a small chance for the moldy egg if you want to go that way.
Just my way.
But mold does indicate a problem with the egg. Good eggs have anti mold properties.
Try candeling as @ballornothing suggested to check viability .
I candle all mine as soon as layed.

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Thanks everyone for all of your thoughts and ideas! Unfortunately none of them survived. My first clutch, however, is doing very well!