"More From" listing links being misattributed to the wrong store

Was told about this and checked it out for myself.

Another user sent me a link to a listing. The seller in question only had one animal for sale, but under the “more from” section, there were still animals shown with them attributed to the seller whose listing was being viewed. When clicked, they led to listings from completely different sellers. It seems where it is supposed to be pulling more ads from the same seller, it is instead pulling animals with similar traits from other sellers. This is occurring on both the app and web.

@eaglereptiles @aj-admin @brittni-admin


It is possible this is a feature and not a bug

@eaglereptiles could you clarify?


I mean, I thought it could be a, “More like this” kind of deal, but the branding as seen in the screen recording clearly attributes the linked listings a specific, incorrect seller. Even in the link images, the text where it should say the proper seller, it says the seller whose listing is being viewed.

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Hopefully Thomas can clarify