Morph Help please

Hi, I have a couple of baby’s that I am not completely positive of genetics and was wondering if any of y’all could help me out.
The first ones parents was an ultramel tessera het anery to a Super Masque Diffused het anery.

He’s definitely an Anery Masque Tessera but I am wondering if he has any other genes at play due to messy pattern. ( sorry for not great pictures he was being very uncooperative :roll_eyes:

Second baby in questions parents were what I believe to be a stripe and a motley. She looks like a clean stripe but I just want to confirm.


Very nice snakes! I especially like the striped one! I can’t answer your questions but I am sure you will get answers from others. @caryl Do you want to jump in? :heart::blush:


Cute babies! Can you post a belly picture of the first one?

The second baby is definitely a stripe, which means your motley parent is actually a motley/stripe (the genes are allelic).


Thank you and when I get home I will get that picture of the first one’s belly. About the stripe, one of the parents was actually sold to me as a motley stripe (sire) but someone on here said he was just an odd cube stripe. I don’t know really anything concerning stripe so I figured it was true, but this baby (only one that hatched from the clutch) kind of threw me for a loop.


I think I remember which one you were talking about, but if you want to post pictures of both parents, we might be able to figure it out!


Gonna echo Olivia here, cute babies! Your Stripe is a beauty, nice clean markings. I think I may remember the sire, but will wait for further pics. What about the rest of the clutch?




Baby belly


Based on that ventral pic, I’m confident that your Anery Tessera baby is Masque. I would say it’s a possible super Masque. It’s really hard to tell about that, though. Tessera can do strange things to the belly pattern on its own, with examples of Tessera animals showing pretty much every possible belly pattern. @solarserpents , what say you?


The adults pictured are both obviously het Stripe since they produced a baby Stripe. The dam is actually an excellent example of the fact that Motley really is dominant over Stripe, and one can’t tell by looking if a Motley is het Stripe. She’s a “poster child” beautifully patterned visual Motley who is genetically het Motley/het Stripe. And yeah, that sire looks like he could well be a messy cube-y Stripe.


Thank you! Unfortunately, the little stripe baby was the only one that hatched from that pairing last year and she has 3-4 spinal “bumps” not truly kinks in my opinion but she doesn’t seem to be affected by it in any way. I hope her deformities were just a fluke as I will be pairing these two again in hopes to get more pretty babies like her.


Definitely masque with that belly. Did you get any other babies in that clutch? The color at that age just seems so low contrast for anery.


Yes, he is one of 14 babies I got from that clutch. 3 being what i believed to be anery.


Can you post the other ones too?


Were there other eggs laid? If so, how did they look? I’m wondering if the mother was potentially low on minerals.

Good point. I hadn’t thought of that, but now that you mention it, I do see it.


Here is one of the other anery masque babies, I sold the other one and somehow misplaced his picture.
and need to get a picture of the 3rd (which I will do shortly). Do you think they may be charcoal? I hadnt even thought of it since the female was sold as 50% het anery.


She is a young female that last year I hadn’t even planned to breed but I could tell she was getting the fatter look so I threw a male in at the last minute not thinking much would come of it. (may have been poor judgment). She had 9 eggs, of which all but two were clearly slugs. I incubated those two just in case and one happened to hatch.


This very pretty baby looks more like a Charcoal than an Anery to me. Young Aneries’ saddles are generally very dark, often appearing black or nearly so when they hatch. There’s also usually a high degree of contrast between the dark saddles and the light ground color, as @solarserpents pointed out. This baby’s noticeable borders also say Charcoal to me. (Looks just like one I had years ago.) It can be hard to distinguish Charcoal from Anery with 100% accuracy, particularly with mature animals. It’s simpler with babies. Pics of the belly and a side view would be helpful, but I’m really leaning Charcoal here.


That particular animal is in shed right now, but this is one of her siblings (sorry for not great pictures she was very uncooperative)
Note: she is a tad bit darker than pictures shown


Yeah, I’d say charcoal is almost certain with these babies. Now, they could be both anery and charcoal, but I’m not experienced enough with that combo to be able to tell it apart from straight charcoal.

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Totally agree with Olivia. Interesting that both parents had that het.

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