Morph ID request

I just got a male and need help comfirming the morph. Attached photo shows the parents and possible outcomes, and the other photos are of the animal in question. Super Mystic Super Pastel is how he was identified when sold. Mystic Potion Super Pastel also seems possible, followed by Super Mystic Pastel and Super Pastel Mystic, but I’m not sure.


I’d say not mystic potion.Usually mystic potions will have less pattern then what I think this is a Super mystic, and yes looks too faded to me to be regular pastel. I would agree with your seller on that snake.

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The only reason id doubt super pastel is the headstamp doesnt look like the extreme blush in the center id expect, but usually its surrounded by dark patern where as this animal is very light all around, so its likely just not as contrasted. Im also terrible at morph guessing haha, but cant get better without trying and learning what others see or why my reasoning doesnt hold up :slight_smile:

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If you compare this boy to a photo of a a ‘super mystic’ with no pastel genes, you can see how washed out he really is.
There are some genes where the super pastel won’t completely blush out or erase the headstamps. They can be a bit tricky to ID in those cases.

Here’s a photo of a Spider super pastel super mystic that had been previously sold here, which also has me wondering if this boy is also carrying spider. They do look quite similar in pattern and I was thinking he was before finding this photo…


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There is no spider in the OP’s animal. I agree with the sellers original ID as well.

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I did overlook Super Mystic Super Pastel Spider (aka Killer Bee Super Mystic) as an option, thanks for pointing that out. Definitely feeling more confident about Super Mystic Super Pastel though.

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I’m interested in knowing which markers to look for between the one I posted and ops for spider. Mostly so that I know what I’m missing now. Lol.

Is it just the more defined dorsal on ops?

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Yes you are correct most super mystic/phantoms are very striped dorsally. Also the pattern is more in the middle on the sides then the spider which gives longer pattern on the sides, (top to almost bottom) as well as the pattern itself looks less uniform then the spider if that makes sense? Here is a super phantom coral glow of mine for reference as well.

The markings on yours look much smaller than op’s, which go about as high up as the markings on my killer queen bee. She’s got a near perfect stripe so this looks almost like a keyholed version of her to me. XD
BEL traits can be so irritating with how they display when one gene is a little different. Or even just the polygenic display like dark or light mojaves.

If the father wasn’t carrying spider, I would have just thought it was a fluke. Either way, op got a gorgeous animal with an amazing pattern. Not nearly as washed out as other killer super mystics I’ve seen.

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Opinions from anyone else on whether the spider gene is present or not?

You are right about the markings, but that is just my line of phantom. Always throws unusual pattern even for single gene mystic/phantom morphs. I still don’t think spider is in it,I could be wrong, just didn’t look like it to me. It may not be super pastel though. I think it is, but lots of variation in pastel/super pastels anyway. Still agree with the seller on morph. Either way very nice pick up!:+1: