Bought this girl last week listed as a scaleless but definitely has some kind of stripe gene in there. Personally I think Tessera but my knowledge on corn morphs is still at a basic level. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Such a pretty girl! Can we get some pictures of the belly scales, that will help determine which gene is causing the striping, as tessera snakes typically have normal bellies but the motley-stripe complex does not. Right now I am leaning towards bet being a motley and/or stripe
Definitely not a motley nor stripe. Motley would have spotting on top, stripe tends to have reduced/no sidewall pattern.
Pretty sure this is a Scaleless Tessera.
Edit: Belly photos seem to confirm, imo.
I thought so too but I wasn’t 100% as I’m fairly new to corns. Thank you.
You’ve got a good eye. Nice pickup, beautiful snake. I’ve got a soft spot for scaleless, my second ever snake was one and I love him to bits.
She will be my first scaleless looking forward to getting to know her after her quarantine ends.
Just thought I’d chime in here with hopefully helpful info … Tessera belly scales can be normally checkered, completely patternless, completely uncolored (white), or can be a variety of colors (including all black) depending at least in part on the other mutations in play.
I agree with scaleless tessera. Very pretty!
Hello and welcome to the forum @natures_beauty! That’s a very lovely corn you have there! I have never seen one like it! I think she could make some amazing babies! Or an amazing pet!
I agree with everyone else; Scaleless Tessera, very pretty. Just wanted to add my welcome!
@caron Thank you for the welcome! I would like to breed her at some point I was planning on making some triple het scaleless ghosts with the intention of getting to some scaleless ghosts. With tessera in the mix they would be stunning.
Oh wow that’s a great idea! And yes those babies would kick butt!
Sounds like a good plan, @natures_beauty . It’s always fun to have an amazing goal to work toward.