Morph predictions for future babies?

Any guesses as to what I would get if I bred my two crested gecko’s Kisa and Mole?


More crested geckos :stuck_out_tongue:. But really, you can get babies that look identical to the parents or ones that look so different than the parents that it is almost unbelievable.

But I would say that pretty much all will be harlequins and there will most likely be a combination of dark bases, reds, and tricolors as well as partial pins.


I did a little research for you and according to genetics, black base is dominant over red. You will maybe see more dark base babies from this pair than red based. I will say they will most likely be harlequin and maybe bi-color and tricolor, because I see a lot of pattern on the parents. In crested gecko genetics, black base is fixed dominant, while red base is recessive. Black base is the most common base color in the hobby and can range from brown to pitch black. It’s also non-allelic with the other two main base colors and can contribute to the overall color of other base colors. You might see some that are lighter, like or orange or red, but can’t be certain. Black 1 - Dominant
Red 1 - Recessive
Yellow 1 - Dominant

And a few that should be updated into combos:

Lavender = Combo (Black Base + Hypo),
Charcoal = Combo (Black Base + Phanom)
Pink = Combo (Red Base + Hypo),


Depends on what they carry - if the male carries red, since red behaves recessively (somewhat), you might get some reds. Maybe phantoms (patternless/bicolour) if either carry phantom. But for sure dark base harlequins/tricolours with varying degrees of pinstriping, the male looks possibly whiteout so maybe some of those, and possibly dal spots😊


I was told Mole has whitewall when I bought him.Is that the same as whiteout?


No whitewall is the super/homozygous version of whiteout - from the photo it seems like he’s “only” whiteout, but his laterals aren’t fully visible😊

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Here is a better pic of his laterals for you!


Looks like he’s probably a whitewall, then all the babies should be whiteouts (they’ll have thick, solid, white-coloured pattern, either as portholes or lateral stripes on their mid laterals)


Awesome! Mole’s genes have always been a mystery to me except his pinstripe.Dark or Lavender?Harlequin or tri-color?whiteout or whitewall?Drives me nuts! :rofl:


Wrong. You get beans. :rofl:


Unless you know their parents, grandparents etc then you’ll get many ‘kinder surprises’.
But also judging by them.

Red tricolours, tricolours, harlequins, extreme and tigering in there too, snowflaking and dal spots.

What colour does male fire down?

Mole fires down to a lavender like color,I will post a pic of him fired down later cause right now he is all fired up from me changing his humidity.Also I should have said this earlier Kisa and Mole are still less than a year old so they are still growing out and color is still changing as they age! And no I am NOT breeding them now I prefer to wait till they are fully grown.

Kisa is 30g
Mole is 22g

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Next year they should be ready.
Females 45+ before pairing!

Oooh if that’s the case you may get some hypo reds out too :black_heart:

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Here is Mole when he is “fired down”.Never seen him lighter than this!


Yeah nice grey, hopefully you get some then! :smiling_face:

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Are hypo reds rare or something?:rofl: and will he breed hypo with other traits as well other than red?if so which ones?

So dark based Cresties tend to carry and pass on hypo, you can tell when they fire down grey/lav, there’s others too but you have a dark so mentioning that, but hypo reds are imo the best reds. They’re brighter, and when fired down look pink :smiling_face:

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Cool! Here is Kisa fired down too just in case she has secrets I don’t know about too!

So is Kisa still just a red tricolor fired down or does she have other traits??

She’s the same :blush:

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