MorphMarket API Planned? [719]

I am a web developer by trade and have been working on my breeder website. Many have breeder websites outside of MorphMarket and I would love to develop some api connectivity so I can make my listings on MorphMarket and integrate them to my site (or visa versa). I’m sure others may enjoy this sort of feature too, and I would happy to make my work open source to other developers who want the same thing.

Anything like this planned in the future for any of the price tiers? :slight_smile:

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Do you mean sort of a RSS feed showing your for sale snakes?

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It’s not planned in the near-term sense, but it has been considered and is requested occasionally. Generally speaking though, these features only benefit a handful of people, so they are ranked lower than other features which impact many or all of our users.

As @eagleboas pointed out, an alternative to a “push” API is a “pull” functionality, where our site periodically hits a URL on your site to download an RSS/XML/JSON type feed of currently available animals. This is an eventual possibility.


API access! I know this has been discussed but never implemented. I’m building an app that includes a collection tracker, advanced gene explorer, and morph classifier that would benefit enormously from access to simple listing data. Would also love to build an efficient pipeline for people to list snakes in their collection on MM. In general, I have a lot of ideas/designs that are hard to implement without access to industry-standard market data.


I know this topic is old but I thought I might add to this. I’m also a web developer. I see lots of shops having to manage listings/stock in multiple different places. I wanted to develop a free to use system that could allow anyone to use a Google sheet or a basic listing form to update their MM listings and potentially their own websites also.

Either the ability to POST or a PULL from my website would be great and would help some of the busiest suppliers keeping their lists up to date, avoiding the “is this still available?” messages they’re bombarded with :slight_smile:


We are in 2024, and we still need API to integrate with the rest of our platforms for business! This will help a lot of small reptile business owners and will definitely be widely used as people are learning how to integrate platforms! Thanks for consideration, hoping for the best for everyone!

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I want to echo this. And I believe it would impact a LOT of people. Even if they are not experts at setting up there own website, they could easily hire it done if the option existed. An API would make MM more competetive than some of the other evolving options.