MorphMarket Sellers Badges - Thresholds

This is not a new feature to MorphMarket , but it was noted that we had nowhere that explained.

MorphMarket Sellers are able to earn and display badges on their store that show not only their experience but also how supportive they have been to the community through memberships and donations to charities such as USARK. Look at our lovely @caryl store for example. 33 followers :muscle::partying_face:

Founding Member - This badge is granted to sellers who became paid supporters in 2017 and have maintained their membership since that time without lapse.

Annual Membership by Year - Granted for supporting MorphMarket with at least 6 months of paid membership in a year.

Ratings - How many ratings you have received from buyers.

  1. Regular - 10 Ratings
  2. Established - 25 Ratings
  3. Professional - 100 Ratings
  4. Top Seller - 250 Ratings
  5. Expert Seller - 1,000 Ratings
  6. Power Seller - 2,500 Ratings
  7. Legendary Seller - 10,000 Ratings

Likes - How many likes your listings have received.

  1. Liked - 10 Likes
  2. Trending - 25 Likes
  3. Loved - 50 Likes
  4. Knockout - 100 Likes
  5. On Fire - 250 Likes
  6. Epic - 500 Likes

Followers - How many people are following your store.

  1. Noticed - 10 Followers
  2. Known - 25 Followers
  3. Followed - 100 Followers
  4. Popular - 250 Followers
  5. Leader - 1,000 Followers
  6. Famous - 2,500 Followers
  7. Legendary - 10,000 Followers

What about the USARK badge?

Lets see what badges you have earned so far…


Oh, huh. Neat!

I have “noticed” and “liked” for mine :joy:

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