You’re going to either love or hate me now @eaglereptiles
But I’ve been through all traits to sort any issues with them that are up!
And if I’ve missed anything people, fell free to add!! But I will only list what needs sorting or that need more pictures added.
Any trait I don’t list, I see no issue with
And these are in ABC order to try make easier for you
Here we gooooo:
Bicolour: Last pic isn’t a bicolour, and on the combos, last pic again is not a bicolour.
Also not lower availability, it’s quite common. -
Buckskin: Pics 1, 2 3 aren’t buckskin.
And on Combo pic 6 isn’t a buckskin.
Not rare availability, I’d say average.
-Chevron: Not rare availability, more common.
Cluster Spots: Not lower availability, more average.
Cold Fusion: Pic 4 isn’t CF, last pic also isn’t one (it’s also on the combo)
Creamsicle: Combo last pic is mislabelled, isn’t a flame creamsicle. It’s a Harlequin pin dash with tiger.
Crowned: Last pic not a crowned, and on combos none are crowned.
Dark: Combo pic 1 isn’t a flame so mislabelled.
Also some more pics for you too use (can also be used for the phantoms and combo as phantom tigers etc)
Dark Phantom Tiger by Ghoulish Cresties
Dark phantom by Ghoulish Cresties
Dark phantom by Ghoulish Cresties
-Empty Back: Pic 2 and 3 aren’t EB. Combo pic 2 also not EB.
Empty Back by AC reptiles
Empty back by AE exotics.
Empty back by Timeless exotics.
Extreme Harlequin: Pics 2, 4, 7, 10 aren’t extremes.
Flame: Pics 1, 4, 5 not flames. Combo pics 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 also not flames.
Not higher availability, more average. -
Furred: ALL needs changing. All cresties are Abberant not furred. Needs description, and pics all changed. And then we need to add abberant.
Halloween: Description change. Pics 3 and 4 aren’t Halloweens.
Hypo: Combos, last pic remove. Also average availability.
Hypo Extreme by Ghoulish Cresties
Hypo extreme by Ghoulish Cresties
Hypo by Ghoulish Cresties -
Ink Spots:
Ink spots by Ghoulish Cresties
Ink spots by Ghoulish Cresties -
Knee Caps:
Knee caps by Ghoulish Cresties
Knew caps by Ghoulish cresties -
Lavender: Average availability not higher. Pic 4 isn’t a lav, and combo pic 2.
Monochrome: Pic 2 not mono or combo.
Normal: NEEDS TO GO. No Crested Gecko is a normal
Oil spot: Common availability.
Olive: Average availability.
Orange: combos Pics 1, 5 and 6 not orange.
Orange by Kent geckos.
Orange by xyzreptiles
Orange Dalmation by AC reptiles -
Orange pattern: Common availability.
Orange pattern by Ghoulish Cresties
Orange pattern by the urban reptile. -
Patternless: Combo pics 1 and 3 not patternless.
Phantom tiger Dalmation by Ghoulish Cresties
Yellow phantom by Ghoulish Cresties
Phantom tiger by Ghoulish Cresties
Phantom tiger by Ghoulish Cresties
Tangerine phantom partial Quadstripe super Dal by Ghoulish Cresties. -
Pinstripe: Pics 1, 5, 6 not full pins.
Red Pinstripe by Ghoulish Cresties
Orange harlequin Dalmation pinstripe by Ghoulish Cresties.
Red pinstripe by Ghoulish Cresties. -
Quadstripe: Pic 1 blurry, pic 4 not a quad.
Quadstripe by extreme cresties
Quadstripe by AC reptiles
Quadstripe by fringemorphs -
Red base: common availability
Sable: Lower/rarest availability
Snowflake: pic 6, 15 and 16 not snowflake.
softscale: pic 3, 4 blurry.
Super Dalmation: pics 4 and 6 not supers.
Superstripes: combo 1, 2 not Superstripes.
Superstripe by Greeks geckos
Superstripe by AC reptiles.
Superstripe by rhac em up. -
Tailess: Also Frog bum, average/common availability.
Tangerine: combo 5 not a tangerine.
Curious on adding lines as mine are different.
-Tiger: Pic 2 is a brindle, can change over to that. Pic 4,6 not tiger.
Tiger by Ghoulish Cresties.
white patterning: combo pics 1 and 5 aren’t white. They’re cream.
White tip:
White tip by Ghoulish Cresties
White tip by Ghoulish Cresties
-whitewall: last pic not whitewall.
-yellow base: pic 7 not a yellow. Combo pics 3,5 not yellow. Average availability.