Most comprehensive book/guide/video on ball python breeding?

Hello! I am currently looking for the most comprehensive guide on ball python breeding that I can find and was hoping for recommendations. I do not currently breed or own ball pythons, but have had a very strong interest recently, but do not plan on it for another few years at least. I do like learning, and am looking for something that goes over absolutely every little thing when it comes to breeding ball pythons. Thanks!


Welcome to the forum! I don’t have the information path you are seeking but BP breeders here will help you. I just wanted to thank you for wanting to research first before buying and breeding on a whim with no clue as to what you are producing.

The BP market is dripping with saturation right now but hopefully as you do your research over the next few years the market will turn around. And in those few years you may be able to save some funds and purchase some high end animals that fit your liking!

Kudos to you for doing the right thing first!!! :+1:


I wish I had something to point you to, but honestly, I just researched a ton of info online and on YouTube.


Youtube can be a great resource for ball python information:


Gavin actually remade this video. Here is the one that’s a little bit older, it basically covers the same points.


I would guess that as many ball python breeders have learned using this guide and anything else that’s out there. It’s simple and straight to the point.


The best thing you can do is tons of research. YouTube is an excellent resource for this.

One thing to remember is there are many ways to skin a cat, so seemingly contradictory information may not actually be contradictory. For instance one guy might say you don’t need to do anything to boost humidity and another guy says you need to wet your substrate weekly to keep humidity at the right level. Who’s right? They both may be right. One guy might live in the South and his climate is such that the humidity is naturally 60% in his house. The other guy might live in Arizona where the humidity is naturally 10%.

Robert Barraclough (Royal Balls) is one of my favorite Ball Python YouTubers. Here’s some good stuff.


yes another vote for robert baraclaw from me .


Markus Jayne’s Breeding Pictorial is hands down the best. It’s what I personally recommend to everyone who reaches out to me when it comes to ball python breeding!


Welcome to the forum! I was wondering if you’ve already familiarized yourself with how to identify the various morphs and combos (sooo many lol). If not, I would start there and also be familiar with morph combinations/pairings that cause various health issues, including death, defects, fertility, etc. If you already have done the research there then please ignore me. I don’t have any other sources of info regarding breeding besides what was already mentioned above; as far as books available, I feel it is lless common or less likely to find a print version. Maybe part of the reason is that knowledge and research and technology make printing or having a hard copy of a guide may become obsolete more rapidly than other unrelated book topics. Just my opinion though. Good luck to all who are struggling in this economy.


I have a question its my first time breeding my ball python, I started pairing when I saw her bowl wrap and have have had about three locks with the same male so far now and I believe she’s in between the “developing phase” and “lumping” should I keep pairing her with the male? the last time I paired them they didn’t lock or one that I saw and usually in about 16 minutes he’s doing his thing ,I also want to note she did shed and does look a little brighter but I’m thinking it may just be post shed brightness like normal and not the “glow stage” people also say to keep pairing till she ovulates but if its just the one male how often or should I keep doing that?

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Most people who breed, who don’t have an ultrasound, will pair once a month. If you pair them again, or if she starts refusing food, then I would say she’s near that ovulation stage. You can always try to palpate her. There’s different videos on youtube that show you how to palpate a ball python.


Pair once a month until ovulation.

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ok thank you very much she did eat for us the last time we fed and I have noticed she starts to bowl wrap a lot and starting too look a little lumpy but ill keep to pairing once a month till ovulation!

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Bowl wrapping is merely a sign of follicle building. It is NOT a sign that fertilization has happened or even that the female definitely has sperm stored up to fertilize. Follicle building typically takes many weeks. Once they reach a certain size, they are released. I think they are released from something equivalent to ovaries and into something equivalent to fallopian tubes. That’s called ovulation. I think at that time the things that are released are called ovum. It’s during ovulation that if the female has sperm stored up, the ovum are fertilized. Basically after ovulation, you’re going to get eggs, hopefully all fertilized, but some may be unfertilized slugs.

Since follicle building takes many weeks and that’s the time you want to make sure the male has many times to lock and inseminate, you want to keep pairing up about once a month until you see ovulation. After ovulation, no amount of additional pairing will do any good. Soon after ovulation the female will usually heat seek to “cook” the eggs. At some point, the follicles/eggs will get so big, there won’t be room in there for food and your female will go off feed. That’s why it’s important to feed the female heavily during follicle building, typically smaller meals once a week. Maybe a small rat. Follicle building females typically have ravenous appetites because they instinctively know they will need the extra calories to produce eggs and they will be going off feed.

Probably way more than you wanted to know.


no thank you this also definitely helped with the process and what to expect thank you so much!!

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