Most Followed Sellers on MorphMarket, so far

People are still finding the new follow feature so the overall counts aren’t that high. But fun to see who’s getting the most follows so far.

for idx, s in enumerate(
).order_by('-follower_count')[:10], start=1):
  print(idx, s.store_name, s.followers.count())

1 J. Kobylka Reptiles 183 @jkobylka
2 Wilbanks Captive Bred Reptiles 123 @mikewilbanks
3 Chris Hardwick Reptiles 104
4 Ozzy Boids LLC 93 @ozzyboidsllc
5 Mutation Creation 90 @mutation_creation
6 New England Reptile Distributors 87
7 BHB Reptiles 81
8 Always Evolving Pythons 72
9 Royal Constrictor Designs 70 @designs
10 Bobs Balls 68 @bobvu

PS I don’t get to write a lot of code these days, so this is kind of fun.


Love this random bit of data.
Would you be able to do this for Europe only?


There aren’t that many European breeders who have signed up to the tier that enables you to follow them unfortunately.

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Time to get pushing them top tiers over here then :wink: