Mouth Rot or Something Else? Please Help!

I noticed this about a week ago and I can’t find any other snakes with something similar, only mouth rot but I’m not sure if it’s that dramatic. It started from the front and is now starting on the sides of her mouth, I haven’t noticed breathing issues, saliva, or an inactivity from her. She eats fine (feeding her now) and is active as normal. I don’t believe it’s a burn considering it’s growing ?? on the sides. I’ll be taking her to the vet but someone reassure me she’s not going to pass away, I keep freaking out and can’t tell what I did wrong. Her temps are consistent and her humidity.

You should visit a vet because they will know and have a solution to fix it.

If something isn’t right, it usually isn’t and delaying can make a smaller issue into something larger.

Hope this doesn’t sound rude, but nobody here can fix this only a physical visit to the vet, sure they can tell you “oh yeah its this or that or it looks like this or that” but they can’t fix it. When in doubt see a vet.


If she’s eating and acting normal she’s not likely going to pass away (however I have seen them pass without any indication of an issue because like most reptiles they likely won’t always show symptoms before it is too late to help). This looks like a case of scale rot to me. Vet visit should confirm


Im just struggling financially right now so i’ve been saving to take her but thank you for your insight, didn’t take it as rude at all. Just really stressing about this - i appreciate it tho :black_heart:


Thank you!! I’ve been keeping a close eye on her and will take her when I have the money saved up. I appreciate it a lot !


I know theres pet insurance and some employers offer as well but i know pet insurance can be tricky about where you can and can’t go to see a vet. Im also not sure if its any pet or if it just applies to furry types. Maybe at least for the future look into it and whether its something that would work.

I know with infections ( if it is mouth rot) it can get bad like lead to upper respiratory infection, pneumonia or worse.

Perhaps if you do social media put like a gofund me and explain that you need help, people can surprise you with kindness. But above all else do try to get help as soon as you humanly can, the longer the wait the more costly treatment can become.

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I signed up for CareCredit and found a vet today thank goodness, thank you so much!! I really appreciate the kindness and will take her tomorrow :black_heart:


That sounds great :heart: hope your snake has a speedy recovery :pray:

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I hope that you find an answer with the vet. You and her will be in my prayers.