My 2024 Breeding Pairs!

Okay, ill check on her again after tonight then.


If nothing in the morning, Iā€™d do a controlled swim (no flailing), and then try to feed her a hopper.


Sometimes their timing is weird. Ember is having an unusual year, but she may still get the job done without excessive trouble. Do give her at least a full 24 hours. If sheā€™s moving them down and looks to be making progress, itā€™s okay to let her keep at it for 36 hours or so. At that point if she hasnā€™t laid any more, itā€™s definitely time for a controlled 10-20 minute swim in 80-85Ā°F water.

Donā€™t be surprised if she seems to enjoy it initially, then becomes distressed. I have seen this happen a few times. I canā€™t prove it, but I believe this occurs because the swimming is causing contractions. If Ember gets agitated in the water, take her out right away.

Good luck! :pray: :crossed_fingers:


Im trying a controlled swim on her now hopefully this helps. But one other thing ive noticed is that she has been drinking a lot in her enclosure but im not sure if that means anything?


Well on a slightly better note after candling the one egg she has laied its fertile! And already has a good vein system. But is it possible she could lay the rest of the eggs after she sheds since shes getting close to going into blue now. I also palpated her and I believe I can feel another 3-4 eggs.


Thatā€™s good that itā€™s fertile! But I donā€™t like the other eggs still in there. Drinking a lot is good.

This is the most stressful part of breeding them, and also the part where I truly believe that almost no one knows whatā€™s definitely best to do about it. Most vets are a crapshoot when it comes to corns. Some very experienced breeders say to get a vet to intervene immediately in a binding scenario, while others say itā€™s best not to interfere at all and to let nature take its course. Iā€™ve had a bound female die following each of those paths.

Considering the timing and the sheds, Iā€™m skeptical that itā€™ll resolve on its own. But I canā€™t predict.


Great news! I gave Ember a controlled swim a few hours ago and after checking on her again now shes finally laying another egg!


Excellent! Hopefully that helps them all get moving.


Im hoping so. I just checked on her now and she still hasnā€™t laied that egg but she has gotten into her lay box and it looks like shes still trying


She got another egg out finally! And shes close to getting out another too! The egg she layed a few days ago wasnt in her nest box but now shes laying them in her nest hox which seems like a good sign!


Excellent! Hope she pushes them all out.


Shes gotten 3 out so far! Looks like she only has 1 left.


Hooray for Ember! Iā€™m so glad that she got things moving! Congratulations, @shadowspiderjack, on successfully assisting her!

Itā€™s terribly stressful, absolutely right. It is indeed hard to find a vet who is experienced with eggbound corns, and simply taking the female to the vet is such a stressor that it can impact her progress. Youā€™re also right that advice is all over the place, @deanaii. Intervene in this way, that way, no way at all. Itā€™s hard to know what to do, and very upsetting when things go awry despite doing our best. Part of the confusion, I believe, is simply because there truly isnā€™t a single right way to handle reproductive complications in corn snakes any more than there is a single right way to handle reproductive complications in humans.

I also believe that knowing your animals well is especially important for breeding. If you do, itā€™s easier to tell when sheā€™s really distressed, when sheā€™s making progress even though itā€™s slow, when sheā€™s truly stuck. (Iā€™m saying ā€œeasier,ā€ not ā€œeasy.ā€ It can still be quite a challenge.) In addition, though not all females are easy to handle, itā€™s a huge benefit in times like this when theyā€™re accustomed to human interactions.

Iā€™m really glad to read that Ember is doing so well. Itā€™s great that youā€™re able to see that the first egg is fertile, too!


Im not too sure if shes done yet but from what i can see shes laied about 17 eggs here!


I just counted them all up and in total shes laied 22 eggs and all of them are fertile!


They look great!


They look wonderful! Congratulations on a lovely clutch. Does Ember seem to be empty yet?


Thank you! And yes she does seem to have gotten them all out and she accepted a small meal yesterday too.


Thatā€™s great! Iā€™m always really happy when they eat a snack after the hard work of laying.


It sure is! And after checking on the eggs today i decided to recount them and turns out I missed one she actually laied 23! All of them are all in the incubator so hopefully they start hatching in august!