My first clutch!

Got my very first clutch this morning! 11 beautiful eggs from my Mojave Vanilla Cream girl!

The dad could be my Pastel possible Chocolate Desert Ghost or my Firefly Butter Enchi. I really hope to get some BELs but I can’t go wrong with a bunch of het Desert Ghosts either, so I will be happy either way!


How many grams was she before pairing?

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A little over 1800 grams before I started pairing her. She ate a lot while I was pairing her though so she got a bit bigger than that. She looks really thin now, I really wasn’t expecting her to lay that many eggs but I cleaned her tub and washed her to try and get the egg smell off of her so that she will hopefully eat for me soon.


Nice big clutch there, congrats!


@walkergirl Wow good luck! Awesome and please keep us updated. Super exciting and a good distraction during these times.


That is amazing, congrats. Only a couple days ahead of you on my first clutch and already the wait is driving me nuts, even knowing the odds for my pairing, can only imagine yours is going to be like putting out Christmas present on Halloween. Good Luck and look forward to seeing what you get.


I LOVE BEL’s! I hope you get some, good luck!


No slugs? How awesome is that! Can’t wait to see babies!!


Congratulations! Maybe split the clutch into 2 boxes, you really dont want eggs touching the sides of the tubs.


Thanks everyone! It’s going to feel like a long wait, but I’m so excited to see some little baby snakes and they should hatch not long after my birthday so it will be an amazing birthday gift lol

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I’m guessing that it’s because of condensation buildup which could cause mold that you don’t want them to touch the sides? It’s probably a good idea to move some of them then in that case, I do have another tub set up just in case I needed to do something like this. Thanks for the suggestion!


Thanks I have a female at 2124 (last weighed in FEB) great eater trying to get her up to 3000 before I pair her with my scaleless head male who is 664 and trying to get him up to 800

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Just a quick update, I actually got Aphrodite (the one who had the clutch) to eat for me last night! She eats frozen/thawed rats so I just left a medium one in the tub with her last night and when I checked on her this morning it was gone! So happy that she ate so soon after laying, hopefully she keeps this up!


Congratulations on a beautiful clutch!