My rat gave birth should I remove the male?

My rat gave birth should I remove the male?

I leave my rats together in groups of 1 male with 3 females and 1 male with 4 females. I don’t have issues with them being kept like this. (I have around 200 rats at the moment give or take).


I prefer a harem/colony breeding setup of 1.3 and leave male in full time with both my ASFs and mice (lab & feeders).


@chesterhf yeah thats what I have right now. 1 male and 3 females in a huge cage.

they seem to be fine and theyre leaving the momma alone with her babies.

In my experience, male rats are good fathers and don’t need to be removed. That hasn’t been my experience with mice.


awesome thanks. i did research before asking but I wanted to see what you guys had to say.

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I run 1.4 I actually do remove the mothers after they give birth and they go into a tub with other mothers who have babies around the same size. My colonies are in lab cages so I remove them because of space. Male rats do not eat babies and leave mothers alone for the most part. I have kept and bred mice, rats, and soft furs and in my experiences rats are the best parents. I used to actually remove all mice and soft fur babies and let the rats raise them.


Their cage is huge so space isnt a concern. I think its 36 in x 24 in x 36 in

its called Midwest Deluxe Critter Nation and they sell add ons for more levels.

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You should be totally fine leaving the male in then. I remove the females because once the babies start getting size to them it becomes cramped quickly.

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Im pretty sure it was her first litter and they all survived


So precious :heart_eyes:


I have two more prego rats so I will have like 30 rats here shortly lol

I have 5 snakes to feed though so I will need more than that every 3 months

And another 1 is giving birth now as I type this