'My Store' Page Feature

What if there was a section called ‘Friends’ whereby there displays store photos of other MorphMarket sellers that a store has dealt with or wishes to associate with under this ‘Friends’ section. Perhaps the stores referenced receive an invitation first to accept being associated with said store?

I think it may show potential buyers the community of which said store is part of. It may never represent the community as a whole, but at the very least… the MorphMarket sellers community. It could even possibly help with credibility, knowing that reputable sellers have interacted with said store?

Perhaps instead of labeling it as ‘Friends’ it is ‘Supporters’?
Showing the store photos/logos as fellow sellers that support said store.

Thanks for reading!

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Given the Pomona incident this year, that doesn’t always hold true…

I think it could be a neat idea, but not sure on how to best manage it to not be a weird clique or privileged position. Like … Would someone try to use it to bolster a patreon support? give a donation and I’ll add you to the seller circle sort of thing.

It would be harder to maintain credibility I think than just looking at store reviews.
There’s also the badges that can tell you how many users follow that store, or liked an ad. That being anon seems more genuine.


You do raise a good point and I appreciate your response.