Mysterious 4 gene combo? (Answered)

So I’m pretty new to BP genetics so I apologize if this sounds very ignorant or oblivious lol.

I was looking at the Ball Python breeding calculator and putting in a pairing that I hope to do soon…

Banana Mystic Pastel 1.0 x Banana Cinnamon Lesser 0.1

One of the least likely outcomes is a Pewter Super Banana Lesser Mystic (4 gene), I’ve tried to look everywhere for an example of what that would look like but cant find anything other than 2-3 morph combos (ex: Super Banana Cinnamon pastel, Banana Pewter, etc…). Is there another name for this mysterious 4 gene combo, is it just really rare, or existant at all?

I know the likelihood of having this 4 gene morph is extremely low especially for a snake that lays small clutches, but I still wonder about this in the field of hypotheticals. If anyone has any info about it or if I’m just missing something obvious please let me know! TIA :smile:


So a lesser mystic is going to be a blue eyed leucistic - a white (ish) snake with blue eyes. It’s going to be hard to identify which other traits are hiding in there. Chances are a pewter super banana lesser mystic is going to look very similar to a regular lesser mystic to a banana lesser mystic to a….you get the point.


So the big issue here is that you’re looking at a blue eyed Lucy combo with lesser and mystic. All those other genes are going to be impossible to see in it.

@chesterhf beat me to jt


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Hahaha, I saw you typing at the same time and figured we’d pretty much have more or less the same answer


Ahhhh ok! So visually it would be pretty tricky to confirm then, is there any way to see it visually? I’ve seen ppl do a blacklight test on some BELs to confirm certain things but I can’t exactly recall for what. Otherwise I assume shed testing is the key?


Most of those other morphs can’t be shed tested for currently, as far as I’m aware. I’ve heard of tricks with a flashlight for seeing banana in white snakes before, and there might(?) be a cinnamon test as it’s allelic with black pastel and enchi, I’d have to take a look at the list though.


You can confirm that there’s banana. I used the trick for my coral glow BELs. But you wouldn’t know if it’s super banana. You might…very small chance might be able to ID cinnamon because it can mess with the facial structure a bit.
A good blacklight with a mystic lesser can possibly bring up some patterns but banana and super banana can possibly make that an issue.

The Banana BEL trick is shining a light on the top of the snake’s head like you would candle an egg. The light will shine through the back of the eyes.
A regular BEL will have blue eyes and pupils that shine red.
A banana BEL will still have the blue eyes but the whole eye will shine red.