My friend saw this BP at PetSmart and the employees there didn’t have any idea of what the morph is. Any one here have any ideas?
Maybe a super pastel fire? Hard to tell from the picture
@flrt-dennis is right in suggesting a better pic. Try to get one of the whole snake including the head from top down. Also it doesn’t look busy enough for yellow belly to me, but a shot of the belly may help as well. Natural sunlight is best, just don’t edit the pic. I think @flrt-dennis could be right, it may also be just a pastel or pastel, fire. To me with that pic the pattern looks slightly reduced which I would not usually put to a super pastel, although it is definitely bright with a lot of blushing! Nice animal regardless of its morph!
Thanks for chiming in, I’m terrible at BP ID’s. Lol. Its so hard to keep up. It reminds me of different zoas people used to keep in their tanks, there were so many designer names🤣
It’s hard for anyone to tell with the amount of morphs out there and in this case no parentage! I could be totally mistaken myself! Better pics for sure would help!
Sadly we only got one photo of it. This was a few days ago so we can’t really get any better photos.
@garciademueller @flrt-dennis @banereptiles Actually I am a little surprised that this snake was even offered at a Petsmart. Most often the only snakes available at these chain stores are normals. Or at least at the Petsmart in my area………
Ive seen some seriously nice morphs at both chains here in Florida. Petco/petsmart. They lable them as fancy. Some are really cheap and some are crazy overpriced. I guess it depends where the stores buy there animals
Yep you are probably right. And yes, “”fancy” means nothing at these stores. The animals are actually labeled on their containers when they arrive at the store but are not recorded anywhere before the containers are discarded at the store.
Sometimes you can get a bargain. I bought a pastel once and if I remember correctly I got a good price. None of the employees actually knew what it was…….
I almost fell for a gorgeous banana pied that miiiight have also had enchi at a PetSmart in SoCal. Very low white pied.
I’ve seen albinos and enchi pastels before as well.
I worked at one and would get soo annoyed when the containers get dumped without notes left for other employees on what we received. But they would also send mislabeled or unlabeled animals as well. Cornsnakes were almost never labeled. I picked up a supersnow leopard gecko that was sent as a normal once.
Yes I know what you mean. I worked at one as well for a few months. But I am in Indiana so obviously different animal wholesalers. Buying a reptile from pretty much any big chain pet store is like that “Box of chocolates.” “You never know what you’re gonna get.”