Need a second opinion on a morph for crested gecko

Hi everyone! I’m new here first and foremost I love this community and hope to be a successful breeder in the future! We recently had a hatch happen on a crested gecko and we’re having a second guess on its morph i know that you can’t exactly tell but we had two yellows breed one dalmation tiger and a yellow phantom pinstripe i’ll include some pics. The baby came out extremely dark at first i thought it just got the reverse color of the mom (dalmation) with some orange tint from the dad (phantom) but it had a slug / snake with pronged tongue pattern on its tail and it’s the exact same as a cappuccino morph is it possible to get a cappuccino from these parents? i was under the impression that capp could only come from axanthics?

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Capp is a trait on it’s own and has nothing to do with axanthic. You can only get capps from other capps. It’s an incomplete dominant, like Lilly White, but the super form isn’t viable in the long run unfortunately.

Your baby looks to be a normal yellow phantom, phantoms also typically have darkening of the tail similarly to capps, it’s usually even darker in capps though.

Both of the parents are yellow phantoms. Phantom is a recessive trait, yellow is a dominant trait, so depending on whether they’re both heterozygous yellow or one or both is homozygous yellow, you’ll get a mix of yellow phantoms and dark phantoms or only yellow phantoms. Depending on whether the mom is het or hzg dalmatian you’ll get either a mix of no-dal and dals, or all dals :smiley:


thank you! i figured it was but just needed a second opinion the baby has the the same slug mark as capps so


Baby is a phantom, should get some spots too :grin:
Possibly even enough to be a dalmation, as they keep getting them with age!

A lot of phantoms and other geckos have the V. And Infact it’s nothing to go by anymore. Many caps about with no V.
Also cap is nothing to do with axanthics. 2 caps make a mel. X