Need help/advice with rescue leopard gecko

I just got this boy tremper from a friend of mine who rescued it from one of their friends and I noticed some odd looking stuff maybe coming out of his butt?? Also one side of genitalia seems enlarged and cut. If anyone has any advice I’d appreciate it


I can help! This JUST happened to my boy a month or so ago, I’ll try to find a picture so you can see how similar it looked.

In my case the vet found it was an impacted sperm plug caused by failure to shed out the sperm plugs due to a mild Vit A deficiency. My leo had it removed, got Vit A oral medications, and had his diet/supplements altered to better fit his needs.

While I did need a vet visit for removal, and I recommend you do the same, small daily soaks in a betadine solution helped with swelling, kept the area moist, and helped ward off infection. I just put enough warm water in a tupperware to reach his vent, and added enough betadine to make a weak tea color.


Here is what my boy looked like. Obviously a bit more protruding than yours, but that same crusty texture and lopsided swelling.


I recommend a vet visit because it really is a ‘tip of the iceburg’ situation where the crust visible has been hiding a ‘pearl’ of tissue, and there’s no way I could have gotten this thing out safely myself.

After removal and medications, we made sure to find a powder supplement that had PRE-FORMED vit A in it, as just the beta cerotine vit A pre-req (I think that’s what it is called) actually can’t be processed by most reptiles and was doing our boy no good, hence the deficiency.

I’m obviously not a vet and recommend getting him to one, but there is a striking similarity to my recent concern! Especially if he is pooped fine but the mass never dislodges, implying a hemipene issue and not a vent impaction


Definitely a vet visit, as @cmills has suggested, if you can.


Poor little man! He definitely needs professional medical attention by a reptile vet. It’s got to be painful for him. Hopefully you will be able see that he gets it.

Best wishes to you and the little guy! He’s a cutie!:lizard::blush::heart:


I just wanted to chime in and say that @cmills is spot on! :+1:


I’m looking into a vet visit now, thanks for the responses everyone!!


Good luck! Give us an update at some point if you’re able, so we can learn along with you. :smiley:


I second the good luck wishes, all the best to you and your adorable little rescue boy!


Thirds on good luck! I’m sure the little dude is in great hands and he’ll be feeling better in no time!


There’s a fourth set of good wishes from me! Your little guy is fortunate to have gotten to someone who’ll get him what he needs for healing.


So after some extensive research and some soaks (last one in diluted betadine) I decided do give it a shot and it went well!! I barely pushed the skin back with a q tip and it just popped right out!! He seemed instantly relieved, I used some antibiotic cream on just the surface areas but I’m wondering if i should be giving him an antibiotic/supplement to help with recovery?? I haven’t been able to find a whole lot of aftercare information out there



You would need a veterinarian to prescribe antibiotics, and I don’t think applying topical ointment is a good idea, as he might ingest it, and some are harmful. A veterinarian would also be able to offer individualized recommendations on aftercare based on an hands-on exam, which none of us online have access to. Treatment would vary based on degree of inflammation and presence or absence of infection. So I think in general the approach to care would vary a lot based on how your gecko looks after removal, if that makes sense.


Looks exactly like what came out of my leo!

Also in addition to needing a vet if you want the antibiotic route, if this sperm plug blockage was caused by a Vit A dificiency, you’d need a vet for the more concentrated Vit A immediate emergency medications.

Otherwise, just make sure he is either already getting pre formed Vit A in his powder supplements, or make sure to get one to coat his feeder insects. Repashy has several options for supplements with pre formed Vit A, which is what my vet recommended. After 2 months with improved Vit A, my leo has had multiple sheds with no difficulty and no more booty issues!

Also if you do adjust his Vit A, don’t be surprised if he sheds multiple times more quickly than you’d expect, my boy shed 3 times in 2 months after his medication, as the Vit A adjusts their skin plasticity/shedding ability and they have to balance that out.


I’m so glad he’s okay now! I love leopard geckos!


@djbazilio So since you have gone the DIY route and imho you accomplished the plug removal successfully, I suggest you give the little dude a few more diluted betadine baths and keep him on clean paper towels for a few months. Of course you will keep an eye on the affected area and do the Vitamin A as suggested.

Great job! :lizard::heart::blush: