The breeder says she is a banana fire het pie bald. I can’t really see the banana in her but maybe someone on here can say it does?
There is no banana in that snake
It’s usually a fairly identifiable morph with bright yellows instead of the traditional black/brown seen in normals. This is a picture of my banana het pied boy for comparison
No that snake doesn’t have banana in it. The pigmentation is all wrong. Personally to me it looks normal.
Yeah, It doesn’t have banana for sure now. It definitely has fire, though. Thanks so much!
No problem
I would be very cautious about purchasing an animal from the breeder that said it was banana, especially if they are claiming it to be het for something.
It is a fire a least but definitely not banana. Aside from being completely misidentified, from the picture I can tell that the husbandry of that snake has been very poor. Looks to have scale damage from bad sheds as well as some currently stuck shed. You’d be purchasing a problem with that snake.
Plus, if a breeder can’t tell a Banana from a normal, they probably lack knowledge in other areas, calling into question the animal’s health, sex, and hets.