Need help identifying

I bought this baby milk snake today. The person that sold it to me was not a breeder said he or she is a nelsons milk snake but only tops out a 30 inches in length. I have a general knowledge of milk snakes and that doesnt sound right. I know nelsons get 42 inches or 48 inches give or take, but mexican milk snakes stay at 30. She wasnt sure if he really was a nelsons or mexican either. What do you guys think?? Photos of him her below. Please only tell me answers on the photos not the care I have a good knowledge of colubrids and like reptichip.


May I add this guy came from a local breeder to a smaller local pet store. The pet store would not give me the breeder info and the poor guy was being housed horribly in a dirty arboreal enclosure with no thermostat and yes a cobweb with active spider in it. The store told me he is close to 1 year old and hes about 1 foot long. They know hes 1 because they had him for about 9 months and began to ignore his care because he wasnt selling due to tempermant. They gave him to me for half price and he does eat good and function healthy surprisingly. He is much happier in his new enclosure and will be getting a larger one in four months.

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Hey everyone got it confirmed in a facebook group this guy is indeed a nelsons! I believe he is closer to 8 months old, but maybe a smaller one even if he is a year


such a beauty its sad that he was miss treated


He shed the next day and ate really well shortly after this photo! He will be having the luxury life from now on.


That’s good news. It’s always wonderful to learn that a mistreated creature’s world is made right.

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