Oh man has this been difficult! How do y’all even get them to stay still for pics? I took a lot of pictures the best I could and labeled each individual one. I couldn’t get them to stay in a ball though.
Spotnose Redstripe Yellowbelly het Ultramel x Cinnamon het Ultramel
We’re most baffled by #5 and the ultramels. #2 looks more significantly different than the other two ultramels, although all of their patterns differ from one another so we’re not quite sure. I don’t think any of these babies have redstripe.
I don’t think the IDs on your parents are correct. The male doesn’t have cinnamon. Hopefully someone more familiar with spotnose and Red Stripe can add some input.
The male looks very normal to be a 4 gene animal…and the female is doesn’t look like a single gene cinny het ultramel. there’s something else going on there…