Need help what type of python is this


You weren’t provided with any info from where you got it?

Its a Pastel, but without further info I can’t tell you much more than that.


No information from seller


Yeah, without info on the pairing the best thing we could suggest is genetics testing the shed skin.

You purchased the snake with no info? Just saw it at a shop or a shop?


I been wanting a pastel python have a terrarium and was setting up environment and heating went to get dog food and next store was a reptile shop just opening up and say this beautiful thing lol the snake person was not in and they did not have any info so I purchased it since it was so beautiful


Isn’t that enough :slight_smile:

anyway, its at least pastel to me and probably more that bright at that size


Did some research and looks to be super pastel or lesser pastel will get :dna: done when she sheds

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No lesser in that snake.


Ok thanks so just super pastel

Hey, I saw that everyone was commenting what morph she is, and you responded to someone saying something about a “pastel python” just wanted to make sure you understood the exact SPEICES is a ball python, or “royal” python in Europe.


I think the general “gist” of the op is what “morph” is his ball python, not what SPECIES is the python, which is rather obvious. It was determined to be a “super pastel” ball python……

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They confused ‘morph of ball python’ in the title as ‘type’.
If you check the tags for this post though it is tagged properly as Ball python. So they are aware of the species/type of python.

Go Ahead Yes GIF

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ya, although everyone was referring to it as “python” and I just wanted to make sure they knew

We know because we can read tags. Op knows because they are the one that tagged the post.
They know it’s a ball python because they tagged it as ball python

Python ID


maybe a pastel??

Thinking super pastel from what research I have done