Need help with heat!

Hi all!

I finally got my 120 gallon and love it. However, while the halogen is heating things during the day fantastically, at night when the CHE is on, for some reason the probe isnt reaching the temperature that I set on my herpstat 2? I set it to 88, but my probe only ever reads 80? Both my halogen and CHE have the probe positioned the same - dangling right next to the lamps beside/underneath their cages. Any help would be really appreciated! It heats it up well enough at night even with the probe at 80, butā€¦ i just wanna know why its not doing what i set it to, and why the halogen is exactly at the heat i set when the CHE isnt. Thank you!

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Maybe itā€™s not strong enough? Ball Pythons donā€™t need heat at night though unless your temps get super low, mine only has temps around 75/77 :blush:


I do live somewhere pretty dang cold and it does drop below 75 unfortunately

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Different heat source will act differently. Along with prob placement, you can get different readings.
When ever younuse a thermostat, you wilp need to take temps then set your device to where the tems is correct.

Surface reading with a temp gun sayes 88ā°
Thermostat says 95ā°
This would be a typical reading/setup
Do to prob placement, type of heat and what you are heating, most likely the thermostat will be set higher then the surface temp.
A rack temp taken by gun reads 87ā°, thermostat is set to 91ā°.
An incubator to correct temps, the thermostat might be set for 95ā°, but inside is 89ā°

You just need to put each heat source on different thermostat outputs, set them to what your actual temps are inside.


80 would still be just fine though, you could just set it to the high 70s instead, then itā€™ll only kick on when needed. But yeah make sure to read your actual temps inside as well like d_y mentioned

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Sounds like the CHE is too weak to hit your set temp at the probe. Itā€™s easy enough to test. Get a stronger CHE bulb and see what happens. You could also swap stat(s) and probe wires between the two lamps to see how that looks.

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This is a glass tank? Some sort of screen top?

I would recommend insulating the back and ends and covering as much of the top as you can being careful to avoid fire hazards.

Glass exposed to cooler room temperature will pump humidity out (if it isnā€™t all gone through the top) through condensation in addition to losing heat.


Hi! Well itā€™s a 60 watt bulb, I canā€™t go any higher as the socket is only 60 watt sadly. I was just surprised, cause the halogen is 50 watt. Itā€™s totally fine if it can only reach to 80-82 though since it still heats really well! I just donā€™t want anything to be broken, or if Iā€™m doing anything wrong Iā€™d just like to know.


Itā€™s a blackbox pvc enclosure :slight_smile:

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