Need some advice! I got a KSB in August and he has been an absolute delight since day one. Always out and about exploring his enclosure, voracious eater and just the cutest thing IMO. I bought another one at a reptile expo 3 weeks ago and I’m astounded at the difference. Barely any evidence of activity (holes, tunnels, etc in the substrate) He’s popped his head out once, tried to feed him and he wasn’t interested. Left a mouse out overnight a couple times and didn’t take it. Don’t know when the last time he ate was. Is this all normal? I know they tend to be shy and secretive and can go weeks without food, maybe my first one just spoiled me. But I’m starting to get concerned. Any advice would be appreciated!
What was he eating before you got him? Live or ft and what size rodent. Is this a baby? What size and type enclosure? Actually the second one sounds more like a normal sand boa, staying buried with its head sticking out looking for food ….
I dont work with KSBs but I can ask you a few things you can do to help us understand the situation a little better.
-How old is your first KSB vs your second one that youre having issues with?
-Can you share a photo of the KSB and its enclosure?
-what is its weight in grams?
-What are its temps and humidity?
-Do you know what it was eating before you purchased it?
And just to offer some advice for you the next time you purchase an animal from an expo (or really from anywhere) because I see this happening way too much where people end up bringing home animals with little to no information about their previous care.
Ask, ask, ask the seller/breeder you are planning to buy an animal from as much questions about the animal as you can and don’tbe afraid to, if they seem offended by you asking questions then don’t do business with them. Most breeders will gladly provide you information on the animals they raised and if they can’t provide you with simple care info then they really shouldn’t be breeding/selling animals.
He’s about a year old, munching on pinkies according to the breeder. He’s currently in a 20 gallon enclosure with plenty of places to hide. Warm side is 94-95 degrees, cool side 75-80. Humidity 35-50%. I use aspen shavings for my substrate, he used something else, and he had them in tubs on a rack at home rather than enclosures but those seemed to be the only differences. My other KSB is 18 months old and has an almost identical enclosure and has just thrived. I’ve left my new guy alone to give him time to adapt to his new surroundings, but 3 weeks? Breeder answered all my questions at the expo, i felt comfortable buying from him. It’s just been a completely different experience with my new little dude and I’m not sure if i should just give him more time or start worrying
This is him the day i brought him home
Eating F/T pinkies according to the breeder, and he’s about a year old. 20 gallon enclosure. I’m beginning to think my other one is a weirdo based on other’s comments if i hardly saw my new guy I’d be ok with that, but he’s not acting like he’s hungry either and it’s been more than 3 weeks…
Bingo, this may be the answer for your issues.
A lot of the time snakes that are moved from racks to larger enclosures is a pretty drastic change that can stress them out. You may want to add more hiding places and clutter to the enclosure to help this little one feel more secure. How often are you offering pinkies?
Have you tried offering live pinkies?
I had a similar issue with my Hognose snake where I was told she was eating F/T pinkies but she refused F/T from me for months, only taking live until I managed to get her on F/T on my own.
I thought maybe too, but my first one went from racks to an enclosure with no problem. He actually seemed to enjoy it. KSBs like extra room to roam, even if it’s only below ground. My enclosure has 3 hides and various sized leaves on top of the substrate so there are plenty of places to hide. There is evidence he’s been out and about but not when I’m around or awake, and he’s not exhibiting classic hunting/hungry signs. I’ve offered a pinkie 4 times since he’s been here, even made scritchy noises on top of the substrate to mimic prey moving around but nothing…argh.
Put him in a 6 to 8 qt tub with a small heat mat and a thermostat. Aspen bedding. Give him a couple more weeks. Then offer pink. You may have to put him in a small container to eat. This is to keep him focused on the pink and not retreat into the substrate. I had to do this with a few of my sand boas when I had them.
Edit to add: I sent you a message….
You might try moving him into a smaller enclosure, just until he’s eating reliably. Some snakes can get wigged out by suddenly having so much space. And it can vary by individual, so just because your first KSB was fine in that setup from the outset doesn’t mean your new little one isn’t freaked out by it. They’ve all got their own little personalities and quirks.
You might also try a live feeding or two just to get things rolling. Or you can try opening the skull or abdomen of a thawed pinkie with a pin or sharp blade. Sometimes exposing that delicious smell of innards can make the f/t rodent more enticing.
I took him out tonight, put him in a little carrier with a pinky, covered it and left him alone in the dark a couple hours. Mouse is gone my first KSB spoiled me. I think we’ll be ok now that i know he expects white glove service
Hooray, that’s wonderful news!!! Snakes can be such quirky little creatures. Hopefully he doesn’t give you any more trouble!