New baby is here! Meet Blaze 😍

So. Freakin. Cute. I am so excited for you! What are you trying to breed in the future, or what is your end goal, if you have one?


Thankyou! I do hope he realises soon I’m not his tasty food though :joy:
I’ve actually got him a bamboo pos YB girlfriend coming next month!
End goal I’d love is banana bamboo Enchi firefly. But seems the other half thinks leopard in the mix too would look cool, Or leopard spotnose :sweat_smile: So looking for a female… :woman_facepalming:t2::roll_eyes:
So it’s a whole project for the future! Looking forward to it though. :grin:

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Pretty awesome! I will be waiting for updates :sweat_smile: along the way. I think spot nose would be pretty cool, but, :woman_shrugging:t3:. I hope he realizes soon too, or you may not have any fingers left :joy:. Ahh, the wonders of how some ball pythons are so incredibly shy and others… Oh well.


Blaze is an adorable name for this little time, he is so freakishly adorable! I seriously should probably stop looking so I don’t end up buying at least three more adorable babies, he is just so cute!


Today he’s still trying to murder me. :joy:

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Aww, it’s not murder, he just wants to eat you and doesn’t understand why you can’t fit in his belly…:smirk:

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I just want a cuddle :rofl:

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Omg, I felt the same way with an old ball of mine! When will they learn

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124g now :blush:


Hopefully his appetite will make him lazy and so trying to stroke at you 🤦🤷‍♀️

He may just take some time to settle! But he is very handsome :yellow_heart:

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I was able to get him out and show the other half’s dad through FaceTime earlier. I bopped his head with a twig(have them there because of the cresties lol), and picked him up and he was good!

Even Emily got to hold him and was staring him right in the face telling him he was cute :woman_facepalming:t2:
I had to say not too close just incase, she was like, look he’s fine. :roll_eyes::sweat_smile:

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Seems like he could just be on edge in his home but fine once out. Obviously still be careful incase he does snap.

Kids have no fear :relaxed:

One of my Cresties (Milkyway) is like that, super on edge if I go near his enclosure (not even near him) accept he runs crazy rather than biting plus a Crestie bite is nothing, but once his out he is a superstar and loves the attention.

Yeah I don’t want a bite but I mean can I really go without being bit once forever? I’d love to… :joy:

She’s a nightmare! Just turning him over to see his belly!

Beast Boy is the same!! I swear his tails going to fly off one day :woman_facepalming:t2:

I haven’t been bit, but then I don’t feed them (hubby job) and I won’t get any out if I get THE LOOK :eyes:

Would be nice to stay snake bite free :crossed_fingers: but highly unlikely esp with Sergai our spider. I jazzed up his home late last year and he hated it, now he gives me THE LOOK everytime I’m in the snake room. He destroyed everything instantly and looked so proud :sweat_smile:

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Noticed lots of white speckling appear :sweat_smile:
Shed last night for me, he ate his last meal in blue 2 days ago, so I cannot complain about his eating :joy:


Has he calmed down for you any?
Or is he still a little firecracker?
Also the way he’s eyeing that fish…
I think he thinks he’s found some new food…:rofl:

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Well he didn’t attack me when I got him out! So I’d say we are improving :sweat_smile:

He was fully watching them and following them with his head bless him 🥲

Wondering whether to up his meals! He’s smashing his food then waiting for more I swear :rofl:

What’s he eating now and how much does he weigh?
If he’s over 350 grams, maybe switch to weaned rat.?

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His body condition is just fine, so I wouldn’t switch to larger meals at all.

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I’ll weigh him tomorrow.
He feels a little ‘hollow’ underneath. Maybe that’s me though as used to a chunk!
He’s on 11-20g atm I think they are. So they’re very tiny little nakie babies. The kings on bigger :joy: