New Ball Python Mom, needing some advice

Hey y’all,

I’m not new to snake keeping but it’s definitely been a few years and this is my first ball. He was a gift to myself for my birthday. At first everything was ok, he’s super sweet and not aggressive at all. He’s been eating weekly like a champ too. I noticed a couple weeks ago a mite on my hand after holding him, looked him over and a friend who’s a vet tech looked him over and said he seemed fine and didn’t see any mites. I went ahead and bathed him and cleaned out his tank really well and disinfected it. This week he’s been hanging out in his water dish constantly and I’ve spotted some mites floating as well. So I’ve got him in a quarantine tank with just water, lamp and a hide while I’m cleaning his new one more thoroughly but I took some pics and I wanted to see if he looks healthy and if his scales looked normal vs. scale rot. His markings are so different so it’s hard to tell. I’ll attach the pics, any input or advice is welcome. Processing: CB8F9F16-056C-4484-BCA9-A8D9D4E5AC8E.jpeg…
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It looks like you posted before your images finished uploading. Try adding them again and allowing each to upload fully before posting. I’m sure the community will have plenty of helpful input once able to get some eyes on the situation :slightly_smiling_face:


I’m sorry! It won’t let me for some reason. Im trying to figure it out.

it just needs a second sometimes! :grin:

I have one word: PROVENTAMITE. It is a spray that works wonders.

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If you want something that works on your reptiles and not just on their enclosures, Frontline spray is a good option. It’s expensive, but it works. A respected breeder that I follow on YouTube uses it on his ball pythons, so I decided to try it the first time I had a mite outbreak. It killed the mites and kept them gone for my balls and blood pythons.

I’ve also tried Proventamite and it’s a great option to treat your enclosures! But you have to be careful to let it dry before putting your snakes and their water bowls back in and you can’t spray it directly on your snakes. Using both Proventamite AND Frontline helped me end the outbreak. Proventamite alone just wasn’t cutting it.

A bit of caution though, I have heard that Frontline can be harmful to western hognose snakes. For them, I typically use either Proventamite or diatomaceous earth.

Yes I opted for the Frontline @7snakes but it was not available so I went with the PROVENTAMITE. Before I used itI watched a few videos on YouTube but I was still cautious so I called the company and one of the guys there told me to simply spray the clean newspaper (packing paper) that I was using as my substrate in a ventilated area such as a garage or outside, let them dry, then put them in the cage. I did not have to treat the snake at all. I also wiped around the door (Boaphile enclosure) .

I changed the paper about every week for 3 weeks or maybe a couple more. The proventamite guy said the mites feed off the snake for a short time and crawl off the snake to lay eggs. When they hit the paper they are toast so no more eggs.

You can also wipe with a cloth sprayed with the Proventamite around any openings/ventilation holes in the rest of your enclosures and that will keep the mites from crawling in them by killing them.

This is just what I did with mine……