Black Houdan. Probably gonna be named Tyrone Rugen after the character in Princess Bride who had an extra finger because she has an extra toe on each foot!
Ohh, I should get pics of our prairie Bluebells (I’m not sure if we still have any though) and easter eggers, they look so good as adults! I didn’t know that Jersey Giants were so light, I’ve only seen pics of dark ones. Chickens are so much fun lol.
They have so many more feathers already! I’ll get some more picture of them individually when i get home after school but here’s some from this past week.
Ah, they’re coming into that little weirdo stage of chicken growth. They look really funny for a bit, but then they get their adult feathers, and become… well I just majestic wouldn’t exactly be the right word, but it’s what I’m going to use
I also noticed that they have some kind of bands on their legs? Might want to keep an eye on that, because those could end up causing more trouble than they’re worth.