More amazing Pieds hatching now!
Wow! You knocked those out of the park Brandon. Can we assume the middle snake in the second photo is the super Sandblast?
These are amazing
Thank you! There are several possibilities from two clutches. We produced two last season but one didn’t make it. I’m still not sure what to make of some of these.
@osbornereptiles excited for you!
Whats in the one with the almost full dorsal and blushed out sides? Or what could be in it?
It could be one of several things. This season we’ve seen several new visuals from this project. This clutch has what we believe are at least two Super Sandblasts. One being the Super SB Sterling and the other being the animal you mention, which could be super Sandblast Mojave or Pastave. We hatched a couple of Sandblast Super Pastaves a couple of years ago and the pattern is washed out but nowhere near as reduced as the animal pictures above. That is one we will likely keep to prove out.
Here’s another possible Super Sandblast Sterling Mojave we hatched last year.