New Life! San Matias Rosy Litter

“Tlaloc” & “Toci” have produced a very brightly color litter of San Matias Rosy Boas. It is a litter of five. This is a first litter for both parents, and our first time producing this locality. Sorry the pic isn’t better, we’ll take more soon.


Congratulations on producing a new locality for yourself.


Thanks so much!

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One of the most colorful babies.


Those are really beautiful!

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What beautiful little rosies, congrats!

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Here is a picture of the two best babies in the litter, shortly after their first shed. The color is electric! I’ve never seen such nice baby San Mats, much less produced them.


@westridge congrats! Those stripes are AMAZING, and YES on those :fire: colors!! Nice job!

Thank you so much!

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This will be the first baby in the litter to go to a new home. This male’s new owners have named him “Rossimo”. Rossimo will be a gift for one very lucky little boy.


BEAUTIFUL :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:! Great stripes there!!! (Oops… just noticed above that I said that already. Well, it is definitely worth saying twice :nerd_face:)

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Worth saying again, very nice stripes! I do love stripes. I’m no Rosy expert but these babies really look special to me. They’re so clean, and very high contrast.