New Morphpedia 💻 Article: Indy Boa Morphs are here!

@sboyle1371 oh cool! I haven’t seen that yet. Would you mind posting that link? I would love to check it out! We are also thinking about doing a YouTube about them to continue the awareness of this very cool morph. They really are amazing!

Almost bought me some because they looked interesting.

Well let us know if you are still interested: we have a beautiful female 2019 Hypo Indy available if you are looking to pick up something this year! We have two female Hypo Indys and love them both but we are also open to freeing up that space in our breeding plan.

Anywhoo, DM us for details and pics :sunglasses::metal: and we can discuss further, and please do send along that YouTube link if you can dig it up. Thank you!

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These boas look even better in person. Pretty excited to see this progress


I just watched that a few weeks back on Dav Kaufman’s channel. He visits Boa Line in Italy where the owner talks about the Indy project.

The Indy talk starts about 12-13 minutes in when they get into boas specifically. INCREDIBLE REPTILE ROOM TOUR IN ITALY! (Enrico Marconato, Boa Line) - YouTube

Edit: Just rewatched it, not a ton of info on the project but some cool animals to see


Looks like an amazing project and I’m looking forward to how you decide to develop it! The color they hold as adults is going to attract a lot of people to it.


@smite THANK YOU! This video is awesome, and we will definitely refer to it as we continue to build our library of Indy info! We are also going to be sure to reach out to Enrico again soon to ensure he is on board and aware of our marketing (#theindyinitiative) and breeding plans as this truly was founded as his project and he’s done so much work with all of this… we want to ensure we show that we are forwarding what he is doing and not trying to re-create/take credit for what he has done! (In fact, Aaron is brushing up on his Italian :it: so we can start a conversation with him about future breeding plans :nerd_face:)…

Ditto with Beyond Genetix who sourced these into the US. We :green_heart::black_heart::purple_heart: love this Indy project and really would love to build an International community around the beauty of this morph.

And PS: these Indys really are as beautiful in person (@flrt-dennis thank you for the shout-out :sunglasses::metal:), and we totally agree about holding their color! Our big females are incredible - and SUPER sweet! We are super excited to get them established and breeding (size pending) with some cool partners. We will definitely keep you updated, and thank you again for the info and the link!!!


It’s at about 13 min into the video.