Hoping the season is going well for everyone. Finally had a full incubator here for a bit. It was pretty neat to see. Now I had half of these little goobers shed out. Hopefully they’ll get eating soon so I can eventually move most of them out and ‘send noods’ elsewhere~
First clutch was a bit of a disaster… Incubation issues hit hard. But managed to hatch out the spiciest and the shyest babies from it. 2 siblings.
Black pastel:
The 2nd was a small 3 egg clutch and bittersweet because this was my boy Topaz’s last clutch and laid after he passed.
1.0 enchi pastel special Mojave het orange ghost -x- 0.1 super enchi pastel Mojave het hypo
Two allelic little ones I need to shed test. The colors are a bit funky because they sucked up the tanins from their coco husk. I thought the lighter one was super mojo when they hatched … But after shedding I’m seeing a lot more pattern on them.
And lastly for now… This seemed like a good idea at the time. But now I need to wait for some more color to come in after they shed. Pastel super cinny x super pastel lesser spider.
The pewter + bunch
Still have a few more eggs in the incubator, due in Aug. But just excited after getting a couple clutches out of there.
I think the spicy pastel satin is my fav so far. But really wondering what RGI will show on those BELs
I love that last shot of my axanthic het pied. She is always looking for food. Growing like a weed. Always a sweetheart when handled. One of my favorites. Just never photos as nice as I’d like.
The hatchlings are so adorable though. Love the big first time periscope the BEL gave too.
Puddle of cinnamons. A couple pewters mixed in.
Just a neat little clutch. One little cinny hatched with a kink that is hard to see now…but will probably try and do a little rehome for that one soon.
Unless one of my other 2 gals surprises me with a late clutch… This was the last little clutch in my incubator. Finally all shed out and looking so bright even in indoor lights
These two are pickup hatchlings from another breeder. But just beautiful little girls. I wish the camera actually could capture how good they look.
One is more like orange cream and the other is almost like a burnt orange on her dorsal blushing
So, they’re a little bit of a mystery from the previous breeder’s dinker project.
Top is from what we know: calico, OD, super??, hypo, 50%het pied/DG
Bottom is calico, OD, mojave, ??, hypo, 50% het pied/dg
I need to scrounge up the money and figure out what to test them for aside from the possible hets. But they’re super neat. I couldn’t say no when I saw the bottom girl for sale and the mom.
Regardless of if they prove out as something or not, the color is beautiful and will fit in my hypo project. I ended up with almost the whole clutch and mom to work with.