Is she an oridnary Ball or a Morph? Sorry, I’m new and got her from a local pet store which didn’t even have any info of what they are selling
Happy New Year and welcome to the forum! More than likely your girl is a very nice looking normal. Although it’s a well known fact that I am no morph expert and just about everyone here will vouch for that!
Anyhoo, great to have you!
Looks normal to me. Possibly pastel but nothing else. Congratulations on your new little one
Yeah, after research, i thought she may be either norm or Pastel. Was hopin Pastel, but norm is cool too. Also, thx
Once I’ve done more research and become knowledgeable, i may get another attempt to get into breeding Balls. Thinking of purchasing an Albino.
Thx and much appreciated . Yeah, I’ve come to the conclusion that she’s either a norm or Pastel. Based on pics ive seen of, she’s bit bright for norm and could possibly be Pastel. Happy new year to u as well.
I am not seeing pastel in this picture. It is a nice looking normal, from what I can tell. Could just be the picture and my eyes.
Hmm, so just a vibrant norm
If you buy a BP from Petsmart there is a very strong possibility that you will be getting a normal. Once in a great while you might come across a pastel, hence the label, “Fancy Ball Python”. But on average Petsmart sells normals.
However Petco seems to sell the more expensive ball python morphs. So there is obviously a difference between those two pet stores at least.
But at the end of the day you have a really pretty animal!