@rmleone Here is my new Rosy Boa baby “Merk”
I already want another one! Lol!
They are awesome snakes and i plan for another 2 relatively soon.
Oh so beautiful. Magdalena locality maybe? I love those snakes with the high contrast stripes like this one, almost as much as the tarnished silver look of the Coastals.
No he is Maricopa. Thank you! @rmleone Thank you! He has the best temperament! I have the Rosy boa fever! The breeder he came from is a dream!
Im probably 100% biased but Rosys are just so awesome. I can’t wait to get more, even Orange Crush lets me hold her now on occasion. I really don’t hold my snakes often, they just aren’t the cuddling type😂 they like to explore so i try to let them do it in a safe manner where they can’t get into something or some place that would be difficult to remove them or could possibly injure.
Some people have snakes or reptiles that like to hang out but my Rosys at least aren’t much interested in being a lap snake.
What a handsome baby! I’m always a fan of beautiful striping. Does your new baby’s name have a story?
Thank you! And yes his name is “Merk” . I named him after his breeder! Lol!
Thank you again for the compliments and encouragement! He has already eaten for me with no problem and is very calm in my hands even though I have not disturbed him much to let him adjust to his new home. However he didn’t mind posing for the picture! Lol! What a little ham!
I ordered a New Mexico Milk Snake last night. She is coming from the same breeder. I will receive her next Tuesday morning. I am excited and a little nuts. This will be number 11!
I also have a gorgeous little bi color baby python I need to post a picture of. I have had him for a little while. He is a really a unique little guy.
Lol very biased . I understand, I am the same way about boas
Yes I agree! Boas rule! At least at my house! But I admit I do have a variety too. I am just plain fascinated by all sorts of snakes!
But boas are no question my favorite!
@caron Thats awesome! To the best of luck
@caron with merk
@rmleone @lumpy @caron even though I don’t own a snake I have totally bias against retics hopefully going to get one soon
Thank you!
Rosy’s are awesome
Boas are the best…of all types!! Lol
AMEN to that!
I have 17 snakes now with another possible coming and 2 of them are rosys. Such beautiful animals and the snakes i let the neighborhood kids hold as they have a great temperament. I’ve had my one rosy the longest is my collection and love her dearly.
Yes Rosys are truly beautiful animals! Wow 17 snakes! Are they pets or do you breed? I only have 10 with another one coming this coming Tuesday. lol
It is a good thing that you share your snakes with the neighborhood kids. Kids need to respect all animals at an early age!
Have a blessed day!
I have plans to add 2 more to my family. Im team Rosy all the way.