The other half and I have recently got in to the world of ball pythons. He wants to breed them and we have started pairing our rtb females with the selected males. I on the other hand don’t really care if they breed or not I just absolutely adore all of them! He has an obsession with buying them, I am the one to care, clean handle feed etc… I’m the type who like to be very educated on something ESPECIALLY creating life before I do it! He researches but I do my own which doesn’t always turn up the same results. We have 15 bp and I love each one and their own little personalities (maybe I’m crazy) we also have 3 dogs big dogs and some kids too lol. We got a few of our bp off MorphMarket and I’m always reading the threads. I figured this is a great place to ask questions, get advice, give some if I can and meet other people. I don’t have any social media cuz well I don’t like it lol. But my name
Is Gale I’m a mom of 4 and 2 stepkids and all my awesome animals. Great to be here and looking forward to meeting ya’ll
I absolutely think each snake is an individual and can have different needs and personality. (We’re not crazy ). My partner always thinks it’s interesting when he sees me opening the tubs differently because I know one is flighty or another is shy. Or the teeth because I know the one girl is VERY food motivated.
I’m glad you’re both doing research! It’s one of the things that I wish more people would do. We see a lot of people pairing up genes that are potentially problematic with each other or some that we warn just won’t have value. I totally understand wanting ‘experience’ in breeding… But some don’t look past the 'egg’citement and then can get stuck with multiple mouths to feed while waiting for babies to sell. Or some just seem to want to breed but have no motivation to find the pairings that they want to see, just asking opinions on what they should breed.
I would definitely recommend looking for a vet experienced in exotics if you don’t already have one. It’s rare, but complications can happen with the parents or hatchlings. I sadly had a nasty one this year.
Other than that, I hope for some good luck for you with the ‘odds gods’. Hope to see more from you soon~
Welcome to the community! It’s a great place to be. If enjoying researching creatures and loving getting to know their individual personalities and quirks is crazy, well, you’re in great company here because that describes most of us!