New to the hobby, an introduction

Hello everyone! I’m Halley Walker and brand new to the hobby. I’m the type of person that likes to give a few too many details about things that might not need it and I can be kinda awkward sometimes so I apologize in advance for that lol, I guess I will tell you a bit about myself now that that is out the way. I live in South Carolina and want to get into breeding ball pythons as a hobby. My collection is pretty small, I currently only have a female Calico Enchi, a Butter Fire Spider 50% pos het Pied who I bought as a male but I’m almost certain is a female, a male Pastel Butter Fire Enchi, a male Super Cinnamon Banana, a male Pastel poss Chocolate Desert Ghost 50% poss het Orange Ghost and Caramel Albino, and a female Mojave Vanilla Sulfur. I hope to have my first clutch of eggs soon and I can’t wait to see what I can do with my current and future snakes. Nice to meet you all! Edit: Just saw the little picture icon so I will also post some pics of my snakes (I know that the substrate is very damp, it seems holds moisture a little too well and I hope to change it out very soon).


Hello neighbor and welcome, I am actually from north GA.


Hello, new user from chicago illinois


Welcome to the community Halley! I’m super new as well to the hobby. You have an awesome collection already! Can’t wait to see yout future clutch posts! I’ll keep my eye out for it :smiley:


Welcome Halley, beautiful snakes!!! Can’t wait to see your new Bebe sneks❤️


Hey Halley, I’m more of a crestie person but it looks to me like you have one beautiful collection there! I’m from Los Angeles. I would try reptichip for you snakes.


Yes, reptichip is what I am planning on getting next :slightly_smiling_face: I hear good things about it.

Thanks for the warm welcome guys and thanks for the complements on my snakes! I am super proud of what I have so far and I can’t wait to see what their babies will look like in the future, I first want to try for some BlkEL and BELs!

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Welcome! Beautiful snakes. I would have a hard time picking a favorite. :heart:

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Hi! I’m finally getting into the hobby as well! And I’m from SC! Your collection is beautiful! And I hope all goes well with your first clutch!


Welcome and beautiful snakes

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Hello from NC and welcome! nice collection ya got there!

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Thank you!