Newborn gecko advice

I’m glad to hear that! :smiley: Hopefully they both continue to eat well. If you have anymore questions don’t hesitate to ask.

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Hi only me again,… sorry… so my female laid 2more eggs on 1st august, 1was a good egg one bad egg,… however egg was fine and moving when I candelled it on Tuesday,… but last night it seems discoloured got few dents and seems like a wet patch on the top I don’t know what this all means can you help,… is baby still ok or has it passed as I used goodie and don’t like answer that cane bk :cry::cry: oh and other 2babys are fine and mother eats now also

Today is day 57 of incubation by the way

Is anyone on here ???

Do you have pictures of them, what temperature are you incubating at?

Incubating at 83 degrees and not at moment as I’m at work

I’m using hatch rite aswell

They should hatch anytime up to a week away. Without pictures it’s hard to tell, it could be water dripping on them, too humid, too dry, etc.

How will I sort this? I will send photo once home

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Hi could you help me sex my 7month geckos please? Are they male or female?

Please only post questions on one thread that is relevant to the original post. (Both are female.)