No6) 5 more not for sale just some of what we have bred in the past & present 🥰


What are the genetics all all of these?

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Daaaaayumm. Super pretty!



  1. GHI Jigsaw.
  2. Normal who at approx 4yrs of age looking like any other normal shed and turned into this beauty !
    We have had 3-4 females do this, I have no idea why or heard of it before :thinking:
    4 & 5) Tornadoes.

DOH lol sorry No3 is a Super Gravel :star_struck:

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Those are some beauts! The first and third are my favorite! :exploding_head: :star_struck:

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You think you got a new gene? Because I have never seen any ball python like that before, let alone a normal.

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Because it’s happened a few times with unrelated females I don’t think it is but it certainly weird and they always look spectacular and Axanthic looking :scream: