To report a bug please complete the following form in as much detail as possible.
About the bug
I am intermittently getting an error screen when browsing in the Community. I haven’t noticed any particular pattern, but it’s happened a few times now. It has occurred when I am finger-scrolling. It has occurred when I am not touching my screen. My screen becomes darkened and an error banner appears. After I click “OK” I can resume doing what I was doing. This has been happening for a short while, perhaps 10 days? I am not sure.
Steps to reproduce the problem?
Seems to be random occurrence.
Is this happening on the website, app or both?:
On the app.
If its happening on the app, please tell us what version number you have installed:
Please add as many screenshots as possible that could help explain what you are experiencing.
I am sorry, this the only screenshot I have. I will add others if/ when it occurs again. It’s happened several times. Sorry I can’t be more specific at this time. I’ll pay better attention.
Thanks for the help.
I’ll pay attention in the future. Can’t recall about the earlier occurrences, but specifically yesterday, there was nothing odd about the way things had loaded. I had chosen that page from the list of “new topics” similar to that shown below.
I still have it happening too. It’s usually when I have a page open for a certain amount of time with no activity. So if I open up a thread, then go feed my cells or walk my dog and come back, the error pops up. Sometimes if I’m just reading and not commenting and the page is just open for a bit. I’m also using Safari, and refreshing the page makes it go away