Nuclear line - Sand Boas

Continuing the discussion from What new reptiles have you bought recently?:

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There is no such thing as a “het nuclear” sand boa. It is a line bred trait.



Okay so if one parent is Nuclear and the other has Nuclear in their line but doesn’t show traits? That’s how the breeder explained it to me… I guess I’m calling it wrong or the breeder lied?


If an animal from a Nuclear pairing does not show any Nuclear traits, it is a normal.


Nuclear is not a recessive gene.
It is a combination of fire and butter.
If you breed 2 Nuclear together you
can get 9 different offspring, one of which can be Blue Eyed Lucy ( but/but) Super Fire. Use MM calculator. It is very useful in finding out what your snakes are and pairing outcomes.

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I know nuclear is something that brightens the snake’s colors in general and the snake I bought is definitely not your typical color of sand boa. Could he be showing traits and able to possibly brighten offspring?

I think you gals are talking about two different types of snakes.

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Oh I forgot were not taking about Ball Pythons. My bad. I was half asleep. Disregard my comment. Lol!



Haha no problem! I’ve done that before. Appreciate the help all the same.


I’m no expert on Sand Boas, but @westridge is right.

Nuclear is a linebred trait not a recessive but with that said I think this a Nuclear .

Super bright reds and oranges is what we are looking for.

Some fun background on Nuclear from the founder Roy Stockwell:

“I got my founder pair in 1986… they were typical yellowy orange EASBs.The geographic origin of the founder stock is unknown.
I noticed the first time I bred them in 89, that there were a couple babies that were far more orange than others… I have always kept back the most orange babies, through numerous generations… and bred them,with each other, making brighter and brighter orange kenyans . It’s not actually a mutation… It probably involves the focusing of several genes. It’s selective breeding or “line breeding”
For years I called them High orange Kenyans… Jeff Favelle is actually the guy that starting referring to them as ‘Nuclears’”