I have a question that seems to have a straightforward answer but I gonna ask anyway. How many clutches per female per year? I know there are some breeders who get 2. Is this something that any of you practice or have any experience with? Is this something that is frowned on? Potential health risks for the females? We have an opportunity to pick up a female or 2 but they have laid this year already and I don’t want to put that kind of stress on them so we have not jumped into it yet. Thoughts and comments are appreciated.
Ball pythons don’t double clutch. One a year and not necessarily every year. I don’t know of a single instance of a ball python double clutching.
I agree with @saleengrinch. Ball pythons lay once a year and not the same time every year (although fairly close). My experience has been every 14 months.
I only brought it up because I have seen it from a well known breeder that does daily YouTube videos. We all know who he is. Thank you for answering the question though. I can now plan for the future with that info. @saleengrinch
He’s probably talking about colubrids they can double clutch
Nope. Talking about ball pythons. Watched him do it for the 2020 breeding season
Doesn’t always mean well informed! The YouTube’s is know for spreading misinformation. And your welcome always happy to answer any question I can!!!
That is a very good way to look at it. I am not wanting to do that. Just trying to plan for what might be for next year. I have been wondering how much of a toll that would take on some of those girls. I’m sure it’s less than ideal for that to take place. Thanks again guys
You won’t be able to!!! Ball pythons under no circumstances will double clutch no matter what you do!
I see the punctuation and I can you feel the yelling how much you are insistent on that. I don’t think I am allowed to post a link to his stuff nor do I want to call him out but if you were to look for it you will find it. That is why I am asking. I kept a few ball pythons years ago. I never heard of it happening but then BOOM here is this guy doing it. It seemed so strange to me. Again, I am not a breeder now or ever before and I am looking to the more experienced people for this info. I am not questioning your experience either just to be clear. @saleengrinch I am just confused by everyone saying it can’t happen then I see this guy saying these things and showing the clutches.
Not at all! I don’t yell like ever lol. Sorry if I came off like that.
No worries. I appreciate the info. Like I said we are trying to plan and see if we have an opportunity to breed this year still or wait til next year. We have been looking for adult females which is like finding Bigfoot. The only available are genes we have not planned on including currently or ones that have laid clutches recently. We found one that laid I. Sept. 2020 but was unsure if that was too soon to be considering breeding her again. I know some people give the girls a year off. I do this with my leos currently.
I do 2 years one off. But I have females that will only go every other year.
If everyone says you can’t and one person says you can kinda gives an indication of what the correct answer is.
I don’t consider it double-clutching but I’ve had several females over the years lay clutches 10 months apart, and one that was just a little over 9 months. I didn’t deliberately attempt this, it’s what the females did on their own. They do what they want.
I’ve got one on pace for 10ish months apart right now. I don’t consider that double clutching though. Two different breeding seasons. She also will have the next season off.
@saleengrinch you’re on staff here. Any issue with OP posting a link? Maybe there’s context we’re missing. The few guys that post everyday all seem like generally good dudes (I don’t want to turn this thread into an industry war. I know people have their own opinions.). Maybe there’s something the community here can clarify beyond what has already been expressed.
Plus, I’m intrigued.
No problem!
I’ve had gals go 10 months apart before as well but I wouldn’t classify that as double clutching.
We appreciate the replies and the time you guys took to answer. I won’t post a link cuz I don’t want to have anyone upset. I am going to move forward with the info I have gathered from you guys about single clutch per year maybe a second depending on when the female laid. Thank you guys. We made our decision to not purchase the females in question based on information like that. We were not planning on 2 clutches per year just trying to get our information correct. We have purchased to adult females that were not paired already this year and are in great shape and will be pairing them to our guys this year if We have not missed that window. If we are successful we will be sharing pics. Breeding ball pythons is new for us. We have done several species of geckos and Nicaraguan boas before. Thanks again everyone
Be aware adult females may take time to adjust to your collection. They may not produce the first year you have them.