Often sheding

Hello i just bought a female ball python ( she is an adult) and she sheds very often ( 3 times in 2 and a half months ) should i be concerned?

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any injuries she is trying to heal?
I have seen that increase shedding in the past.
Also how old?

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How much are you feeding it? Is it growing rapidly?

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No injuries , she is around 6 years old

Actualy she only feed 3 times in this period of time

I was thinking an injury as someone else metioned. Her being 6 years old it should not be rapid growth sheds. Was she a breeder? If so she may have not went last year and has retained the sperm. She maybe gearing up for a clutch. Not likely but a possibility. For example I just had my girl Stella have a clutch. She shed on 2/24, 4/8, then 5/31. She had the clutch on 7/2.

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Yes she was a breeder and i was told she laid eggs in october last year