Opinion on New Gene to Add

Hello Everyone - we’re looking to add a new gene to our collection and projects. We dabble in all the basic stuff: pieds, clowns, candy/ candinos, g-stripes, and various co-doms that come along with all that. We are hoping to hear some varying opinions on what “new” co-dom to add that plays well with a lot of different genes. We’ve considered acid, hurricane, and confusion. We aren’t looking to break the bank, so price point and ROI is important. We appreciate any and all suggestions! Thanks for your time.


I like the idea of acid for sure goes great with about everything and isn’t crazy expensive anymore. Along similar stuff to hurricane, I like nanny, carbon genes, (any crazy looking genetic type granite morph)look crazy in a clown and great in most things. Also if you don’t have I would recommend either Asphalt or gravel, these genes won’t completely wipe out other morphs in the super form, like yellow belly but add a lot in just single form. Also like microscale to just enhance most anything.


Acid, EMG and black pastel would definitely make heads turn like in the exorcist…