Opinions please :)

Hello :upside_down_face:. So today was gecko enclosure cleaning day, managed to find a stand for my sunbun we can pick up tomorrow :heart::heart: we stopped by a pet store otw home to grab some decor for my little Derp and little fievel and yesterday a nice seller off market place had some snake decor desert style for sale for 10$ I guess I was the only person interested or the first to go for the decor but he was super awesome and gave it to us for free which was super cool of him! So as of right now I’m cleaning tanks and rearranging decor around for the geckos ….i really wanna add a hanging coconut hide to nuggets enclosure ….


So glad you found a stand for Sunburn! Btw, I have a gargoyle gecko named Fievel! :blush:


:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: may I see your Fievel? I loved Fievel goes west as a kid and for some reason that’s the name I landed on for him lol and he has a sixth toe! We just haven’t been able to be quick enough to get a picture of it yet it’s really cool!



:face_holding_back_tears::face_holding_back_tears::face_holding_back_tears::face_holding_back_tears: -can I pet dat dawg-


He’s extremely jumpy though! I don’t trust him!!!

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Ahhhhh,I just pets him from a far my fievel is just now staying visible in his enclosure which I decked out last night I did derps darts and fievels last night