Orangebelly Plus?

So, back in 2009 I bought this Orangebelly male because he had a really unique look to him:

But all of the Orangebellies he produced never looked quite like him, as can be seen by this picture of two Orangebellies that he produced (they don’t have the same blushing or color):

I don’t have the original 2009 male Orangebelly any more, however when I bred a male Orangebelly that he sired to a female Orangebelly that he sired and to a Hypo het Pied, I got these babies:

The big female in the upper right was produced from a female Orangebelly sired by the original 2009 male Orangebelly and I think might be the recessive gene all by itself. She was produced in 2015. The female in the upper left was produced by the same pairing in 2017, and I think might be Orangebelly plus the recessive gene. The female in the bottom middle was produced by the same male, but to a Hypo het Pied.

This picture shows the possible Orangebelly plus next to the Orangebelly het Hypo possible het Pied:

This season, I have been breeding the male Orangebelly sired by the original 2009 male Orangebelly to a female Orangebelly sired by the original 2009 male Orangebelly and to the possible recessive gene female, so I hope to have more answers.

What do you guys think?

Is there a recessive gene at play here?




Interesting project for sure!

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I’m honestly not certain if it’s recessive or a varying intensity incomplete dom that the original sire had in super form-- but whatever it is, I say take it and run with it! Looks awesome. I definitely want to get an Orangebelly from ya in the future. That Graphite Ivory female you produced got snatched up right before I had enough money :joy: Always next season though. Can’t wait to see the updates from this season’s breedings

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Here is the clutch from the Orangebelly possible more female. It ended up being a split sired clutch between a Freeway possible het Paint and a Cinnamon Cypress Lesser possible Blackhead that is looking more like a Blackhead Cinnamon Lesser possible Cypress.

Don’t know why one of the three Ivories is so much lighter.

This is the Freeway possible het Paint sire:

And here is lock between the Orangbelly female and each male:



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