Ordering Genetic Testing Switch to Panel Test

It seems that you can’t order more than two tests that are in the panel without your order getting switched to a panel test automatically. Even at the old prices three tests on same shed would be $5 cheaper than panel (and much faster) but now with two tests at $50 it would actually be $20 less to order three fast tests starting with one of those two rather than the panel.

Suggesting any automatic switch to panel be based on $ and not hard coded to number of tests.

Ideally might be nice if switch could be overridden because I would want to pay $125 for four fast tests over $120 for panel when I need results quicker.


Understand this may not be universally reproducible. Here is via the iPhone app.


Sorry, it seems I typed up a reply to this but never sent it :upside_down_face:

The team is working on making the structure of test orders much better as we speak, and offering better options in terms of “panels” also.

This is a page that hasn’t really been updated since launch, besides adding new trait tests and a little design change. Th

Awesome! Hopefully in time for peak baby season. I would suggest the change to panel only be a suggestion at any number of fast tests as in some situations people might be willing to pay more for speed.

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