Hello everyone! I have this beautiful female Vanilla Flame that I’m raising. I need some ideas for pairing though I know that won’t be for another two years. But, if I can have some of your suggestions along with any pics you may have of your snakes with these genes would be helpful.
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With a vanilla flame I feel like you really cant go wrong with anything. I’d say get whatever other morph excites you that you’d like to see a brighter version of. Only thing to remember is if you get any of the other fire-type genes that 1/4 of your snakes will be white snakes with black eyes, which isn’t a bad thing either!
I would say pair her up with a Scream or cream male. I have a Enchi Vanilla Scream (Pastel, Fire) and he’s handsome. @neeewt
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Thats sweet bro. gorgeous snake. thanks for sharing @babyjoker
Good to know. im learning guys thanks @neeewt