Pale crystal ID-poss. 1st?

I’ve waited a few sheds and meals on this guy. Eating like a champ.
When he hatched he just looked a bit like a pale super Mojave. he’s yellowed up a bit since then!

But given the colors on his dad at this age, I am more than a little curious if I’m IDing him correctly…and since there’s not really anything quite like him, I’m a bit out of luck!
I am planning on holding him back along with another hatchling I believe is a w1st (special fire Coral glow orange ghost possible enchi)

Pairing was:
Pastel Enchi special Mojave het orange ghost
Coral glow Mojave Fire het orange ghost.

He’s definitely a CG. His eyes glow red in the flashlight test.
I’m thinking CG Crystal pastel fire. Not sure if maybe het OG/vis OG may be helping to wash him outfurther, but given that 3/6 eggs were definitely OG, that would be pushing the odds…in person his neck pattern is a bit more visible as it extends back from the eye stripe region.

The 3 snakes pictures are him (top left) and the allelic combo clutchmates, a super mojo, CG super mojo and him. No clue on OG in the others. Taken after the 1st shed. Along with the blacklight at the time. Still no new blacklight development, just the darker top half to lighter belly.

Just missing on possible pairings for this boy in the future and seeing what you all think!


I cannot say for sure, but my first thought on him was hypo. I have produced many cg super Mojave’s and a few hypo super Mojave’s, but not with all the added genes you have in there. So take that in consideration, but I still think a very good chance he is also og. Beautiful snakes!:+1:


thank you! IFingers crossed, so that’s actually really encouraging!
I missed hime getting ready to shed so I couldn’t see if he got the pale orange belly that they sometimes get instead of pink. Gotta wait it out and hope to catch him in next cycle for a clue maybe.


Yes, I agree and obviously as he grows he shouldn’t gain more color especially on the head. Even his body looked super light to me! Hopefully proves out for ya! Don’t know exactly what all else is there, but genetically gifted he would be!


Oh man he is so light compared to both his parents so he definitely has a lot going on. Hahah.

I thought he was a super mojo at first until I caught the silvery eyestripes. And now he’s just that soft yellow.
Dad was VERY bright yellow at that age. Lol.